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We have a unique and once in a lifetime opportunity to purchase our building

$26,530 of $150,000 goal
Given by 103 generous donors in one year

A gift to Piki te Ora is a gift to ensure vulnerable families in the future don’t have to choose between food and the doctor

Linwood, Christchurch

Piki te Ora is a Very Low-Cost Access Medical Centre delivering primary care to whānau in the east of Christchurch. 50% of Piki te Ora’s patients are of Māori and/or Pacific Island descent. Refugees and other low decile groups also benefit from the reduced consult fees offered and the staff’s ongoing efforts to reduce the barriers to them receiving the care they need.

We are seeking to raise the money required to purchase our facility in Linwood Avenue. This will free up the financial resource to grow our capacity and services at a time where increasing numbers of families are struggling to afford healthcare.

Join us in opening our doors to more vulnerable whanau and play a part in ensuring that in the years to come, vulnerable families and children can get the affordable healthcare that they need to thrive. A gift to Piki te Ora now, is a gift to ensure vulnerable families in the future don’t have to choose between food and the doctor.

Piki te Ora is a Very Low-Cost Access Medical Centre delivering primary care to whānau in the east of Christchurch; 63% of our patients are Māori or Pasifika or come from culturally and linguistically diverse communities. These high deprivation groups benefit from the reduced consult fees offered at Piki and our staff’s ongoing efforts to reduce barriers for them receiving the care they need. Vulnerable and sick people often decide to ‘tough it out,’ which leads to more complicated outcomes and delayed diagnosis and care.

We are seeking to raise the money required to purchase our facility in Linwood Avenue; we have already applied for funding (outcomes are pending) and will apply to CCC for a loan. If we can purchase our premises, this will free up the money we currently pay for rent to grow our capacity and services at a time where increasing numbers of families are struggling to afford healthcare.

Join us in opening our doors to more vulnerable whanau o enable to receive the affordable healthcare they need to thrive. A gift to Piki te Ora now, is a gift to ensure vulnerable families in the future don’t have to choose between food and healthcare.

About us

Piki te Ora is a Very Low-Cost Access Medical Centre delivering primary care to whānau in the east of Christchurch.

Use of funds

We are raising funds to be able to purchase our building - together with our donors, we will be able to ensure everybody who comes through our doors will receive the affordable care they need. If we do not raise enough, any funds raised will be used for Piki’s core services.

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Latest update

Generous Donations Received   20 July 2022

We are so grateful for all of the generous funding we have received via givealittle. We have also received grant funding. This means we are updating the target of additional fundraising required to purchase our building from $1,000,000 to $150,000. Thank you everyone one for your support

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Latest donations

Mark and Denise
Mark and Denise on 04 Jan 2023
Union And Community Health Centre Incorporated

We would sincerely like to thank you for your donation which helped us purchase our premises Nga mihi nui Kirsty Macnab Chairperson

Union And Community Health Centre Incorporated
Sharon on 14 Oct 2022
Thanks to the wonderful people who work at Piki are Ora
Union And Community Health Centre Incorporated

We would sincerely like to thank you for your donation which helped us purchase our premises Nga mihi nui Kirsty Macnab Chairperson

Union And Community Health Centre Incorporated
Julie on 13 Oct 2022
Piki Te Ora health hub has been invaluable to our family for 20 years plus, the staff are so caring and the hub is such an asset to our community .
Union And Community Health Centre Incorporated

We would sincerely like to thank you for your donation which helped us purchase our premises Nga mihi nui Kirsty Macnab Chairperson

Union And Community Health Centre Incorporated
tiananga on 12 Oct 2022
Union And Community Health Centre Incorporated

We would sincerely like to thank you for your donation which helped us purchase our premises Nga mihi nui Kirsty Macnab Chairperson

Union And Community Health Centre Incorporated
Angelina on 22 Sep 2022
Union And Community Health Centre Incorporated

We would sincerely like to thank you for your donation which helped us purchase our premises Nga mihi nui Kirsty Macnab Chairperson

Union And Community Health Centre Incorporated

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Created by, and paying to a verified bank account of, Union And Community Health Centre Incorporated (Charity)
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This campaign started on 26 May 2022 and ended on 26 May 2023.