Show aroha for our neighbours
Welcome Bay, Tauranga
My neighbours house in Welcome Bay caught fire mid morning on Monday the 19th of December. Fortunately everyone was able to escape safely before the fire rapidly spread through the bedrooms and garage of the house. Thanks to the quick response and the brave actions of the Tauranga Firefighters, the house itself was saved.
The house was originally built by the Dad 25 years ago and had only recently been renovated. Clearly they are devastated to see the house that they love damaged in this way.
The house itself is insured but not the contents.
I'm creating this page as I've been requested to by members of the community who want to show their aroha and support while the insurer progresses the claim. This is going to be a challenging xmas and anything you can do to help would be gratefully appreciated.
Thank You
Support for the family to replace basics that they've lost.
Stupid Insurance Companies 23 January 2023
The generous donations from this page have allowed things to progress over the last couple of weeks. The funds have allowed the hireage of 2 skips bins ($450 each) to remove the rubbish to prevent any further moisture damage. As the insurance only covers the house itself, the company indicated this wasn't their responsibility and wouldn't be covered in the claim. The owners actually take pride in their house and care about the neighbourhood and thought it was important to clean things up as much as they could. They've also repaired the holes in the roof themselves to ensure that house is protected from further moisture damage.
Importantly, this work makes it feel like things are moving forward while the insurance company continues to drag things out and provide little to no information. It's really sad to see that this is how loyal customers are treated.
Thank you for your support. It means so much.
So thoughtful. Thank you.