Please donate blood and/or bone marrow. It could save a life!
My 9 year old son, Te Waarakihi, has been diagnosed with Aplastic anaemia. This is a condition in which his bone marrow has stopped producing red blood cells (cells that carry oxygen around the body) white blood cells (infection fighting cells) and platelet blood cells (clogging cells). Before this was discovered and diagnosed, my son was a very happy, cheeky, playful little boy, now he’s fatigued, has no appetite, can’t walk long distances, his gums and nose randomly bleed, he has blood blisters in his mouth, bruises easy and a lot of other nasty symptoms. His body has now generated antibodies due to all the platelet transfusions he’s had so blood transfusions don’t last long inside his body.
We have been in starship hospital for going on 4 weeks now. Unfortunately no fully matched bone marrow donors have been found so he is unable to have a bone marrow transplant, the next best treatment available is immune suppression therapy which he started on Monday and is so far going well. Results on whether this treatment is working or not isnt clear until 3-4 months in.
He’s my beautiful 9 year old son.
This money will be used to help fund travel back and forth for treatments from Rotorua (where we live) to Auckland. Help with overall costs as I (Te Waarakihi’s mum) haven’t been able to go back to work while we are in starship hospital.