1,000 PULL-UP CHALLENGE for Life Matters Suicide Prevention Trust. Want this kind of support in your community? THEN PLEASE DONATE NOW.
Its time for another wee challenge before the year is over.
It simple. On Saturday 14th December at 9am I will attempt over 1,000 pullups at Propel Fitness in one training session. Feel free to pop in and say hello. I will bring some snacks, electrolytes, tape for my hands and just keep grinding out pullups until I complete over 1,000. If I feel good, I will keep going. I want it to be tough, I want to have to dig deep to get this done. A challenge SHOULD be a challenge.
After all life is not always easy. So many times, we must dig deep to overcome challenges both physical and mental. Both are equally as tough, but somehow the mental ones just don’t get talked about enough.
With Life Matters Suicide Prevention Trust we can spread the word that there is help, that there are lots of great volunteers who love to help and they are trained to help. This unfortunately costs money and I want to raise money to enable this charity to continue to broaden the awareness and support within our community, to educate and help people overcome the challenges in their lives so that they in turn can help others.
The more money we can raise, they more this amazing charity can achieve.
So it’s simple - If you want this kind of support in your community then please help and donate now.
Having had my own challenges and helped friends, I know how vital this is for our community. More money from donations will broaden awareness, support, education and assist more people to overcome the challenges in their lives. In turn they can help others