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1000 Cranes for Kelleigh - Alex

$1,145 of $1,000 goal
Given by 37 generous donors in one year

Hi my name is Alex Horn and I am raising money for Get Kelleigh There. I was doing a research project for school on Origami and found out t


Kelleigh Burkett is a good friend of my Mum's. She is really sick and I thought making these cranes would help like it does in japan. I am going to wish that all her nasty cancer bugs will die.

Hi my name is Alex Horn and I am raising money for Get Kelleigh There. I was doing a research project for school on Origami and found out that there is a legend in Japan that if you fold 1000 cranes you will be granted one wish. So I am folding 1000 cranes for Kelleigh.

Latest update

Update for 14/05/2014  14 May 2014

Hi All Get Kelleigh There Fans, The cranes are going well. It was very very exciting today. www.whatnow.tv/2011/ came to interview me for Hot Shots. They setup all my cranes, got me to make a crane and then covered me in all the cranes. Its was great but also hard work. I am not sure when it will be on ""What Now"", but I will let you know. So far we have made 916 (that's also making two on the What Now!), so not far to go, but still folding 84 will take a long time. I checked my Give A Little and I have made $1000, so a really big thank you to everyone who donated. From the start to the finish. I will let you know when I'm finished folding! : ) from Alex

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Aunty Jo
Aunty Jo on 04 Aug 2014
Great work Alex
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 27 May 2014
Mary Gallagher
Mary Gallagher on 26 May 2014
Great Work Alex.
Rachel on 23 May 2014
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 20 May 2014

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This campaign started on 5 Apr 2014 and ended on 6 Apr 2015.