100km of walks at dusk and dawn bringing awareness to our Kiwi

$1,310 of $1,200 goal
Given by 27 generous donors in 12 weeks

My goal is helping to ensure that our national icons are here for future generations to enjoy.

Grey Lynn, Auckland

Soon I’ll be saying sayonara to my twenties - and what a wild ride it’s been.

I’ve chased my dreams across the globe, I’ve met some incredible people and I found the love of my life.

All this got me thinking - what’s a better way to enter my dirty thirties than walking 100 kilometres in October to raise money for something super close to my heart - the humble kiwi.

Kiwi numbers are dwindling and they desperately need our help. That's why I’ve chosen to raise money for Kiwis for Kiwis, an organisation that is dedicated to saving this precious bird.

I’ll be completing 100km of walks at dusk and dawn - not only trying to raise money for kiwi, but trying to spot a couple of the little fellas along the way.

I ask that you join me on this journey by making a donation. My goal is to purchase two transmitters which are crucial for the Kiwi for Kiwis breeding programme, which is helping to ensure that these national icons are here for future generations to enjoy.

I know times have been tough for New Zealanders this year (and last!), but unfortunately this has a knock-on effect on the organisations that need it most. If you are able to spare a little change for a great cause, it will make a huge difference.

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I saw a kiwi and I want to fundraise more.  20 October 2021

The photos is my happy grinning face after a successful two hours in the bush after dusk at Tāwharanui Regional Park. I saw one brown kiwi in all it's glory. Two rushed past ahead of us on the track but I only saw glimpses in the moonlight. There was plenty of rustling and foraging going on and you could hear their loud calls in the distance. They are so loud and I felt the sadness of how threatened they are. Kiwi are being driven to extinction by three main threats: predators, lost habitat, and fragmented kiwi populations. its our job as a community to stop this from happening.

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Latest donations

Richard and Jolene
Richard and Jolene on 02 Nov 2021
Happy belated birthday!
Anieta Rijpma
Anieta Rijpma on 01 Nov 2021
Gerald on 31 Oct 2021
Kristin on 30 Oct 2021
Katie on 30 Oct 2021

Who's involved?

Charlie Baptist's avatar
Created by Charlie Baptist
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Donations of over $5 are eligible for a New Zealand charitable giving tax credit.
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This campaign started on 4 Oct 2021 and ended on 30 Dec 2021.