10K for Ben May

$8,066 of $5,000 goal
Given by 124 generous donors in 6 weeks

In honour of Ben May we will all be running/walking 10km on the 27th March 2021 to raise awareness for Epilepsy.


In honour of Ben May we will be holding 3 events across the world to raise awareness for Epilepsy. These events are:

1. K's for Ben May held at Synergy in Wellington New Zealand on 26th March 2021 - https://fb.me/e/Drm2vWBI

2. A 10km event will be taking place on 27th March 2021 along the Paekakariki Escarpment Track, Wellington - https://fb.me/e/yE8koBNT

3. Virtual 10km 27th March 2021 for all those throughout the rest of the world. Due to Covid restrictions other events have had to be postponed so Ben's friends and family outside of Wellington will all be running/walking 10km in his honour.

We ask that everyone that gets involved posts a photo with the hashtag #10kforBenMay or if on Instagram please tag the 10kforbenmay account and makes a donation to Epilepsy NZ to show their support .

Before Ben's untimely passing he had been planning an event to raise funds for his chosen foundation – Epilepsy New Zealand. He had intended to help raise awareness by sharing parts of his own journey and some of the struggles he and others face in their personal battle with epilepsy. But more than that, he wanted to share and inspire others that it should never stop you chasing your goals and dreams.

Purple Day is about raising the awareness around epilepsy and its impact. It began in 2008 in Canada by a 9 year old called Megan Cassidy who painted her school purple. We appreciate your support in our efforts to continue spreading awareness.

We are unbelievably grateful to those who are going to take part as it will continue to honour Ben's mission x

Bryony May's involvement (page creator)

Ben's family and friends want to honour his mission to raise awareness around epilepsy.

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Latest update

Another increase as were getting close to the goal  7 March 2021

Thanks so so much everyone! Xx

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Latest donations

Mitch on 02 Apr 2021
Great cause Daisy, All the best Shippers
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 31 Mar 2021
Linda on 30 Mar 2021
Friend of Kaye
John on 30 Mar 2021
Well done 👏
Peter Morgan
Peter Morgan on 30 Mar 2021
Well Done Rob. A small contribution to help you keep moving forward.

Who's involved?

Bryony May's avatar
Created by Bryony May
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This campaign started on 21 Feb 2021 and ended on 8 Apr 2021.