14_foot_fisher - Wish4Fish charity fundraiser

$3,030 of $5,000 goal
Given by 55 generous donors in 6 weeks

14_foot_fisher - Wish4Fish charity fundraiser

Hi I’m Chris,

Fishing and boating are some of New Zealand’s most popular recreational activities, which those with physical and mental disabilities are currently not being catered for. Our country has some of the most beautiful natural resources in the world and we believe all New Zealanders should be able to enjoy this.

To share these experiences with our wider community, Wish4Fish arrange charity trips for individuals with physical and mental disabilities and their carer’s, who are often family members. The benefits from our trips go beyond a day out on the water. It provides our Charity’s beneficiaries the sense of what can be achieved despite some of the most difficult circumstances they experience.

Funds from this fundraiser go directly to Wish4Fish via Give a little to support charter outings for clients to be determined by Wish4Fish.

Follow @14_foot_fisher on Instagram for more!

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Latest donations

Noel on 14 Jul 2023
Fish eat repeat
Fish eat repeat on 14 Jul 2023
Doing epic Mahi bruv ❤️
Flynn on 14 Jul 2023
Ruan on 13 Jul 2023
Mandy on 13 Jul 2023

Who's involved?

Chris Grainger's avatar
Created by Chris Grainger
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This campaign started on 30 May 2023 and ended on 14 Jul 2023.