90 more miles for Kind Hands

$3,000 donated
Given by 52 generous donors in 5 weeks

Time to dust off my running shoes! This fundraiser is to raise money for Kind Hands.


This is our chance to raise money for Kind Hands. My son has a neuromuscular disease and cannot attend a typical daycare. Kind Hands have made it possible for me to work to provide for my family, while taking care of my son in such a way that I do not need to worry about his safety or health during the day. With registered nurses and ECE teachers Kind Hands is perfect for our Eli.

The challenge is to walk/run/crawl the equivalent of Northland's 90 Mile Beach in the month of Feb, to raise money for Kind Hands in Whangarei.

Kind Hands offer respite care for children who under 6, who have a disability, are medically fragile or are technology dependent. These families face huge challenges every day. It would be so cool to be able to raise awareness and some money to keep Kind Hands going.

Jess Barnes' involvement (page creator)

They do such a great job caring for my son who has a neuromuscular disease. I’m proud to help

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2.5 laps to go!   29 February 2020

The home stretch! We are completing this challenge NOW! 12.6kms in one go and we are pumped!

Our goal was $2000 but thanks to so many of you gorgeous people we are too close to $3000 to give up now. Every dollar counts😎

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Participating in

Classic Builders 90 More Miles

Join in the Classic Builders 90 More Miles Challenge! Walk the equivalent of Ninety Mile Beach in 29 days to raise money for Kind Hands.

Latest donations

Lee on 29 Feb 2020
This is for Cam 👍 very proud of you young man
Miranda on 29 Feb 2020
So impressed with the dedication of you all 💪🏽
John on 29 Feb 2020
Kellie on 29 Feb 2020
Sally on 29 Feb 2020
Awesome you guys rock

Who's involved?

Jess Barnes's avatar
Created by Jess Barnes
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This campaign started on 20 Jan 2020 and ended on 1 Mar 2020.