A Marathon Effort for Te Wahi Ora Women's Retreat

$1,026 of $2,500 goal
Given by 22 generous donors in around 4 months

A Marathon Effort to gift women a two night stay at Te Wahi Ora Women's Retreat, Piha beach, West Auckland. A Counselling Session included.



We stagger along black sands

Like giggling school girls.

Clad in night gowns. Feet bared.

Weighed down by fatigue, yet

Light as champagne flutes;

Our fears released!

The sea sweeps in from our left.

To the right; a Morepork laments

It's name; Calling. Us. Home.

Wild Women. Un-tethered.

Unleashed. Quite, Quite, Unhinged.

Returned to our selves. At last.

Mandy Edwards (c) 2018

I wrote this poem after a few wonderful days at Te Wahi Ora Women's Retreat at Piha, Auckland. It was truly a transforming experience; and a much needed respite from an often overwhelming, busy life. I received beautifully cooked meals, wonderful conversations, a counselling session that was so affirming; and a delicious therapeutic massage that I will remember for life! I left Te Wahi Ora feeling effervescent and free; a giggling 'school girl' who had discovered that life could be simply wonderful.

This experience I would love to gift to other women; women who give so much love and energy to others but often neglect their own inner needs and desires. I intend to run a Marathon (a huge commitment of time and energy for me) to fundraise and give women who can't afford it themselves a chance to Retreat to a space of love and safety. "A place to explore life with passion, compassion, humour and style." Maya Angelou.

Amanda Edwards' involvement (page creator)

"Te Wahi Ora Women's Retreat is run by women for women - A place to go to refresh your soul and warm your heart. It is a Charitable Trust, 'not for profit' organisation; and all income and donations are used to make this retreat available to women and to subsidise women in need of a rest, respite, a breathing space for contemplation of ''their next step' in life." I have stayed in this beautiful place and long to give other women the opportunity to stay there at a time in their lives when they may really benefit from it.

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Latest donations

Find Your True North
Find Your True North on 02 Aug 2019
Our Find Your True North tribe is behind you ❤
McKenna Family
McKenna Family on 28 Jul 2019
Always and inspiration and such a kind heart
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 21 Jul 2019
You are a great Mandy. I wish you the very best of everything.
Paula on 18 Jul 2019
You've got this my friend
Stacy Gardiner
Stacy Gardiner on 06 Jul 2019
So proud of you Mandy!!!

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Created by Amanda Edwards
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This campaign started on 9 Apr 2019 and ended on 10 Aug 2019.