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Shaving 2 Save a Life!

$6,030 of $2,500 goal
Given by 97 generous donors in 27 days

On Friday 24 November 2023 I am shaving my hair off to fundraise for the Cancer Society and Bowel Cancer NZ


Kia ora e te whānau

I was about 7 when my Dad was first diagnosed with Cancer. I didn't quite understand what it meant at the time, however it was a pretty scary time for us all.

None of us would have thought that it would mean 9 years of him battling this ugly disease, with it going from his bowels to his liver, lungs, and ultimately his brain.

I was about 15 when he complained to me about his hair falling out. I still remember it vividly. I rubbished him (trying to act like it wasn't happening) until he pulled his hat off and yanked a handful of hair out.

"OK OK I get it Dad - you win!" I said while trying to hide the tears in my eyes.

Not long after that he decided to shave it all off - taking the bull by the horns.

When he passed, the day after my 17th birthday, I decided that one day I was going to shave my hair off for charity - cancer to be precise.

It may be a few years since I was 17 (ha!) however the promise I made to myself has always been lurking in the background, and I feel like now is the right time.

Since then many people I love have either passed, or been hit by this ugly disease, so I'm doing this for them too.

I appreciate anyone who provides a koha/donates to my fundraiser.

Be good, stay safe, check your breasts, check your testicles, check your stools, listen to your body, see your Doctor if you're concerned, and take care.

You are loved x

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I did it!   25 November 2023

It’s done! I have no hair and like typical Wellington weather it’s freezing outside and so is my dome! πŸ‘©πŸ½β€πŸ¦²

A huge mihi to everybody who supported me throughout with koha and kind words. I appreciate you all!

I am keeping the page open for a little while longer and will look to draw the raffle towards the end of next week.

Arohatino nui ki a koutou πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–

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Latest donations

Mitchel on 28 Nov 2023
Ellayne and Donovan
Ellayne and Donovan on 27 Nov 2023
[Anna paying in cash koha contributions]
Bron on 26 Nov 2023
Awesome mahi Anna! Big love right now ❀️
Jo on 26 Nov 2023
Well done Anna! A great cause.
Adrienne on 25 Nov 2023
To my very special niece.

Who's involved?

Anna Liumaihetau Darling's avatar
Created by Anna Liumaihetau Darling
Donations to this page will be split evenly between 2 payees:
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Donations of over $10 are eligible for a New Zealand charitable giving tax credit.
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This campaign started on 8 Nov 2023 and ended on 5 Dec 2023.