Bowel Cancer New Zealand

Bowel Cancer New Zealand

Bowel Cancer NZ is a nationwide organisation committed to reducing bowel cancer through awareness, education, support, and research.


Kia ora, and thanks for visiting our page! Bowel Cancer NZ is a nationwide, patient-led organisation committed to reducing the impact of bowel cancer on our community through awareness, education, support, and research. Our vision is that no one will die of bowel cancer.

Bowel cancer affects 1 in 6 New Zealanders and is the second biggest cancer behind lung cancer. Despite that we receive no government funding. Statistics show that Māori or Pasifika people and other minorities develop bowel cancer earlier and face many challenges in getting early care. Also, worryingly, we are seeing a rise in the number of young people under 40 developing bowel cancer.

Interestingly, research shows that 90% of bowel cancer cases are curable with early detection and treatment. Our challenge is to encourage more kiwis to notice their symptoms earlier and to go see their doctor for further testing before it is too late. We also strongly advocate for equitable, accessible, healthcare, and earlier access to screening.

So far, we have reached 1,300,000 New Zealanders through our awareness campaigns, and over 850 patients are supported via our online support group. We have also seen a 357% increase in in home screening bowel cancer test kits, and nationwide screening due to our advocacy work.

Recently, we have collaborated with Pinc and Steele Physio, to provide free cancer specific physio rehab for people undergoing cancer treatment or recently so. The physio rehab, and another recent initiative of wellness counselling for people affected by cancer is proving to be incredibly popular and very much in demand. In addition, our new Nurse team member is there to answer questions and provide support to people in need.

Gifts we receive go towards these initiatives, as well as bowel cancer research projects, education, awareness, and advocacy for an equitable, accessible healthcare system for all New Zealanders.

Thank you so much for generosity in giving a donation to Bowel Cancer NZ today; you are making a huge difference to the lives of people with bowel cancer!

Latest donations

Ayla-Joe 2 days ago    Bucket List Tick Off
Best of Luck 🤞🏼
Ariana 3 days ago    Bucket List Tick Off
Thank you Hineari for dedicating yourself to a worthy cause such as Bowel Cancer New Zealand and fundraising in memory of my cousin Pierre Stockman, a beautiful, loving and gentle man.
Good on you Debz. Great Leadership!
Deborah Keane

Thank u so much lovely

Deborah Keane
You are such a legend Debz!! Well done!!
Deborah Keane

Thank you so much for your donation!!!

Deborah Keane

Who's involved?

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Created by, and paying to a verified bank account of, Bowel Cancer New Zealand (Charity)
Registered Charity
A Registered Charity has legal recognition under the Charities Act 2005.
Tax credit
Donations of over $5 are eligible for a New Zealand charitable giving tax credit.
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