Antoinette and Phoebe attempt their first half

$1,155 of $700 goal
Given by 28 generous donors in around 3 months

At my ripe old age, I have joined a group of cousins and my young daughter Phoebe to attempt my first and possibly last! half marathon to


We have two young cousins with cystic fibrosis who continually inspire us with their strength, courage and positivity. Cystic Fibrosis NZ does a fantastic job supporting them and families like them to live with CF.

At my ripe old age, I have joined a group of cousins and my young daughter Phoebe to attempt my first and possibly last! half marathon to raise funds for CF. This is our joint page

Participating in

Run4Lungs Auckland Half Marathon

Run4Lungs Auckland Half Marathon

Latest donations

Phillipa Kitchin
Phillipa Kitchin on 18 Nov 2014
well done girls
Liv on 04 Nov 2014
Well done Phoebe and Antoinette
A Hastings
A Hastings on 04 Nov 2014
Well done Phoebe and her Mum - I will think about doing it too next time
Marcus O'Connor
Marcus O'Connor on 03 Nov 2014
Brooke M
Brooke M on 03 Nov 2014

Who's involved?

Tax credit
Donations of over $5 are eligible for a New Zealand charitable giving tax credit.
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This campaign started on 24 Sep 2014 and ended on 31 Dec 2014.