Fundraising for Anna's Road to Recovery
Kia ora adventurers of Aotearoa! As many of you maybe aware, one of our fellow adventurers Anna Parsons took a massive fall while rock climbing in Yosemite at the beginning of August. This fall left her with a broken neck, spine, pelvis, ribs, feet, and toes, and internal injuries, including a punctured lung. Annas left foot was so badly damaged it was amputated below the knee. The medical bill has hit 1.5 million, her insurance will only pay for $250,000 and we still need to get her home safely! I have created a Give a little page called ‘Aotearoa adventurers for Anna’. My goal for this page is for the outdoor community of Aotearoa to pull together and support Anna on her next big adventure: getting home to NZ, her recovery, and of course, getting back into the backcountry. If we can all pull together and give a little, together we can give a lot. Thank you