Dollar matching fundraiser to help out the Porteous family
As you may know, Andrew was diagnosed with stage 4 oesophageal cancer in October 2016. He has been battling this terrible disease since and we know that Andrew has appreciated all of the support that his family has received to date. This has ranged from fundraising for his treatment, home cooked meals delivered to his door, and to the simplest of gestures such as dropping by to have a chat.
The fight hasn’t been easy to say the least and all of Emma and Andrew’s energy has been focused on his treatment. Given recent developments one of Andrew’s primary focuses is now the need to fundraise to help provide for his family’s future in the event that he is no longer with us.
To this end, Latitude Financial Services will be matching every dollar raised through this fundraising effort (to a maximum of $40,000).
Your contribution has been greatly appreciated to date and it hasn’t been taken for granted, however there is unfortunately still a difficult road ahead for Andrew and his family and your continued support will greatly help with the journey.
I am an ex-colleague of Andrew's helping to co-ordinate this fundraiser.
Target reached! 8 January 2018
Hi all,
I wanted to provide you with a quick update on this fundraiser and I am happy to inform that the $40k target has been passed! As a result, Latitude Financial Services made the $40k payment to Andrew and Emma just before Christmas. On behalf of LFS, I'd like to sincerely thank all of you for your continued support for the Porteous family as well as your kind donations for this particular fundraiser.