AsureQuality AirRescue Summer Crew Challenege

$4,000 donated
Given by 25 generous donors in around 4 months

This summer, AsureQuality and 15 other Canterbury businesses have taken the challenge to see if we can fill the shoes of the Air Rescue Crew


The challenge is based on 50% fundraising and 50% crew challenge.

In the challenge (designed by the Air Rescue Crew themselves) we will compete head to head with the other teams and test ourselves in fitness, survival knowledge, etc…

Each team will also raise us much money to support the Westpac Rescue Helicopter.


We know we can win this but only with your help. PLEASE MAKE A DONATION to the AsureQuality team. Your donation will make a life-saving difference in our community and you will help us win the challenge!

Please SHARE THIS PAGE with all your colleagues and friends (click the SEND BY EMAIL or the SHARE THE LINK tabs)

AsureQuality's involvement (page creator)


Did you know that the Air Rescue Trust watch over the lives of around 500,000 people, and respond to over 800 missions each year in our region (that’s an average of 3 missions each day!)? The crews are on duty 24/7 looking out for us and our families – so we need to show them the same support. They need us as much as we need them, so let’s work together to keep the helicopter in the air!

Participating in

Summer Crew Challenge for Air Rescue 2016

16 Canterbury businesses taking on the "Summer Crew Challenge" to raise money for life-saving Air Rescue missions.

Latest donations

Emma on 23 Feb 2017
Awesome work AQ
Ian on 22 Feb 2017
Brian and Helen C
Brian and Helen C on 22 Feb 2017
Supporting a great cause and the team from Assure Quality, especially Jonathan.
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 22 Feb 2017
Olivia on 22 Feb 2017
Tax credit
Donations of over $5 are eligible for a New Zealand charitable giving tax credit.
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This campaign started on 21 Oct 2016 and ended on 28 Feb 2017.