Auckland Half marathon for the Tania Dalton Foundation

$515 donated
Given by 17 generous donors in 25 days

I am running the Auckland Half marathon and wanted to use the opportunity to support the Tania Dalton Foundation. An awesome cause!


Tania Dalton will be remembered for an incredible sporting legacy, as one of New Zealand’s favourite Silver Ferns for over 11 years. She was a natural, talented athlete, that backed it up with guts and heart - as a player and a team mate. She played to win, hated to lose – but, even in defeat, was the ultimate good sport.

Even more than her sporting success though, she will be remembered for how she lived every day. She lived as we might all strive to – never on the side-line, always in the action, bringing her A game as standard… with a big heart and an easy smile, sucking the juice out of life.

Tania and the Dalton family believe in the power of sport to teach us how to be our best. That the rules of the game help to guide us on and off the court or the field.

For some – that face extra challenges or adversity – the satisfaction and rewards found through sport may seem much harder to realise.

"Helping young people was a passion of Tania’s and, through the work of the Foundation, we honour her memory." - Duane Dalton

Tania and the Dalton family believe in the power of sport to teach us how to be our best. The Tania Dalton Foundation exists to help girls, that face extra challenges or adversity to unlock their talent and their best selves, for their sport and for themselves – to live the biggest life they can. All funds raised will support these girls to be their best and honour Tania’s memory.

Sarah Parry-Crooke's involvement (page creator)

Sport is a massive part of my life and I wanted to use this opportunity to give back to the community. While I didn't know Tania personally, I know a lot of people who did and have some amazing connections. This is a brilliant cause, in memory of a fantastic woman and any support would be very appreciated :)

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CCO team
CCO team on 30 Oct 2017
Vivienne on 29 Oct 2017
Well done, so proud of you.
Nicola on 28 Oct 2017
Love your work and dedication...Also what a fantastic cause! GO HARD!!!
Rachel on 27 Oct 2017
Great cause, I'm sure you'll smash it! :)
Katie on 27 Oct 2017
You're an inspiration Sarah - you go girl! :)

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This campaign started on 6 Oct 2017 and ended on 31 Oct 2017.