$4,473 donated
Given by 43 generous donors in 17 days

Through the tragedy of losing a family friend to suicide I'm motivated to raise mental health awareness and funds for the Taranaki Retreat.


Hi All,

I'm Sam, as you can see I have grown a magnificent looking beard and have been dubbed "THE URBAN VIKING" .

My beard draws many comments and is always a talking point throughout my travels. My 4.5 years of no shaving comes to an end with "THE BIG SHAVE"

This event has clearly come about due to the tragic loss of a very good friend to suicide. Through this tragedy i have a personal motivation to contribute to an extremely worthwhile cause and wish to support Jamie Allen and his team that do incredulous work at the Taranaki Retreat !!

"THE BIG SHAVE" will be held at:

Sporty's Cafe and Bar on Friday 20th of April.

The event will start at 5.30 pm

Raffles and snacks provided.

We will also have an incentive at "THE BIG SHAVE EVENT" the biggest donation can choose to have the first cut of my beard.

Look forward to seeing you there to support this great cause !!

Sam Dowman's involvement (page creator)

In respect for a good family friend who was tragecilly taken from us by mental health illness.

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Latest donations

Mark and Janelle
Mark and Janelle on 21 Apr 2018
Awesome effort Sammy. Fabulous shave off for a great cause
Dave & Wendy Barber
Dave & Wendy Barber on 21 Apr 2018
Guess the deeds done by now....good on you
MW on 21 Apr 2018
Sammy & Kahn
Sammy & Kahn on 20 Apr 2018
Wish we were there!!
Andrew Maxner
Andrew Maxner on 20 Apr 2018

Who's involved?

Sam Dowman's avatar
Created by Sam Dowman
Tax credit
Donations of over $5 are eligible for a New Zealand charitable giving tax credit.
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This campaign started on 9 Apr 2018 and ended on 26 Apr 2018.