Taranaki Retreat is a time out space, a place to leave behind all the noise of life, to breathe deeply and reassess....
We offer: - A no-cost residential retreat space for time-out, hospitality, support, and assistance to those going through tough times. We offer :
Someone to talk to
Sometimes, when really intense stuff is happening for us, or someone we care about (for example, suicidal thoughts), it is unsettling and even frightening. We know how much it can help to talk to someone who will understand. We are available to chat in person, over the phone or even by email if that's easier.
Residential Stays
We support people looking for some time-out and “Space to Breathe”. We offer short stays 5 or 10 nights.
Building Mates
We offer a programme offering the chance to work with our qualified builder who also has her own mental health journey. Through doing, usually making things out of wood, safety and wellness are explored in a number of workshops.
We offer regular workshops at the Retreat covering topics such as Anxiety, Setting Boundaries, Mindfulness and Grief. Relaxation and yoga are also offered for those keen to explore such areas.
Please visit our website for more information or to get in touch with us
Taranaki Retreat is an NZ Registered Charitable community organisation, here to provide hope and support when times are tough. Waimanako; is our drop-in space where you can come and get support, talk to someone or attend one of our workshops