city to surf for Ella

$650 donated
Given by 22 generous donors in 25 days

Help me run faster by donating money to help Ella fly to the States so that she can walk back!

Bay of Plenty

I'm running the City to Surf 11km on November 5th. I'm quite new to running and this will be the furthest I've ever run. I need all the motivation I can get!

Ella was due the same month as my son Theo but was born at 25 weeks, weighing 800 grams and was given a slim chance of never leaving hospital. She has life-long conditions; Cerebral Palsy, Hydrocephalus and Epilepsy. Ella has been accepted to undergo Selective Dorsal Rhizotomy (SDR) at St Louis Children's Hospital in America. Her surgeons believe that Ella will be able to walk with crutches and possibly independently – giving her a whole new quality of life.

Becky Smith's involvement (page creator)

Ella's mum Kat and I became friends when we were in the same antenatal group. Theo and Ella were due the same month and when they were little, we met up as a group frequently. Now that we no longer live near them it's hard to participate in all the amazing fundraising that is happening to help Ella walk in Auckland so hopefully, with everyone's help, we can raise some money from afar!

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Janak on 06 Nov 2017
Lovelock-Dyals on 06 Nov 2017
Tilly on 05 Nov 2017
well done Becky, big hugs and high fives ;-)
Wendy Anderson
Wendy Anderson on 05 Nov 2017
Bex Lipp
Bex Lipp on 05 Nov 2017

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Becky Smith's avatar
Created by Becky Smith
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This campaign started on 12 Oct 2017 and ended on 6 Nov 2017.