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My Beijing Half

$4,230 of $2,500 goal
Given by 37 generous donors in 4 weeks

I ran the Beijing Half Marathon on 24 October for my niece who has been diagnosed with cancer This is a small way, for CanTeen, a great


CanTeen Auckland is one of those amazing support groups that you never knew existed until you needed it. The quiet hard work of many people in the background deserve a lot of credit.

I ran the Beijing Half Marathon on 24 October for my niece who has been diagnosed with cancer

This is a small way, for CanTeen, a great support group, in which we can help her and others like her get through this.

Latest donations

Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 26 Oct 2010
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 25 Oct 2010
Rachel on 25 Oct 2010
A fantastic cause and well run.
Michael F
Michael F on 25 Oct 2010
Keenan, very good run especialy in the conditions. Great fund raising
The Landmark Family
The Landmark Family on 25 Oct 2010
What goes around comes around! Well done! We are all impressed.

Who's involved?

Tax credit
Donations of over $5 are eligible for a New Zealand charitable giving tax credit.
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This campaign started on 30 Sep 2010 and ended on 30 Oct 2010.