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Bluff to Invercargill - Walk for Hope

$2,021 of $2,000 goal
Given by 10 generous donors in 6 weeks

Hope for our Rangatahi Hope for our Young People Hope for Our Generation

Invercargill, Southland

Our walk from Bluff to Invercargill is to remember and raise awareness for our young people to be able to access counselling sooner than later.

As an 11 year old young girl - a few years ago - counselling was not offered. I'd had an incident, a really sensitive incident that had happened and it eventually ended up becoming a court case. At that time the perpetrator sat in front of the witness box while the victim had to give evidence of what had occurred.

Can you imagine a child having to do that and feeling intimidated by the offender?

I suppressed everything then and have had to learn to unpack that trauma as an adult.

I had attempted suicide a couple of times because the pain became incredibly unbearable.

Thankfully I made it through the turbulent times with counselling, walking, attending healing wananga/seminars and being around my mokopuna.

As a 57 year old wahine, a business owner, an employee, a fun-extraordinaire, a nana, a mum, a wife of 33 years so far, I am happy and excited to say that I made it through those turbulent times.

I'm no longer triggered as much when I'm faced with certain circumstances, or people who remind me of the perpetrator and when I feel triggered, I have got some effective mindset tools to help me navigate my way through so that I am not frozen in time.

We're walking to remember our young people and to say, "We hear you. We see you."

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Thank You  31 August 2023

Thank you to EVERYONE who has supported this beautiful Cause for our Young People.

I know that had I been given and shown the opportunity to go for Counselling then I KNOW my soul would have found Rest, Peace during my youthful years AND I would have discovered the Power of No!

I have found that power - well I found that a few years ago and healing has been phenomenal - not without the bumps in the road! But healing, peace and rest for my Soul, my Mind, my Wairua is my Korowai.

Ngā whakapaingia koutou katoa - blessings 🙌


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Table-tennis Southland player
Table-tennis Southland player on 31 Aug 2023
Donation from 24 hour Table-tennis Fun-raiser
Alamein on 30 Aug 2023
This is a percentage that I earned from my Casual job during July & August
Janette on 29 Aug 2023
Well done guys!
Dual Clean Services

Many thanks Janette for your generous donation for this worthy cause

Dual Clean Services
Donation for Table-tennis Fun-raiser
Donation for Table-tennis Fun-raiser on 28 Aug 2023
Mary on 28 Aug 2023
Dual Clean Services

Many thanks for your donation Mary

Dual Clean Services

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This campaign started on 18 Jul 2023 and ended on 31 Aug 2023.