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Bubs & Babes

$570 of $400 goal
Given by 14 generous donors in 7 weeks

Four new mums carrying four new bubs up the mount 38 times to raise money for our unsung heroes!

Bay of Plenty

Four new mums carrying four new bubs up the mount 38 times to raise money for our unsung heroes!

The people who keep our babies safe long after we can carry them any where!!

Technically it's 76 times...

Bubs & Babes' involvement (page creator)

We have been challenged to participate in The MORE FM Mount Everest Challenge. Climbing the Mount 38 times is the equivalent of climbing Mount Everest! So we have been challenged to do this in 50 days and help raise money for the Mount, Omanu and Papamoa Surf Lifesaving Clubs . The challenge starts Friday February 13th. To find out how you can be part of this amazing community challenge as an individual, team of corporate check out all the details and register here: www.morefm.co.nz/mounteverestchallenge.

Latest update

Day One   13 February 2015

4 climbs down - 34 to go!!!

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Participating in

Mount Everest Challenge

We challenge you to challenge yourself and climb Mauao 38 times over 50 days while raising money for our 3 local surf clubs.

Latest donations

Amelia & David
Amelia & David on 24 Mar 2015
Fantastic effort ladies!
Nigel on 22 Mar 2015
Well done ladies. You're right about 76 trips up the Mount, and it probably felt like it some days. Those kids will have a rare claim to fame as they grow up. Good effort.
Shani on 20 Mar 2015
Good on you girls xx
Sheryl and Ian
Sheryl and Ian on 17 Mar 2015
Good luck Ladies - go Angela xx
Calley Homes Limited
Calley Homes Limited on 11 Mar 2015
Amazing effort ladies! Well done, good luck with your last few trips!

Who's involved?

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This campaign started on 12 Feb 2015 and ended on 3 Apr 2015.