Camp Quality supports kids living with cancer a chance to be kids - Help me support Camps

$1,000 donated
Given by 17 generous donors in 8 weeks

Participating in Skydive for Camp Quality 2021


I have reached some of my goals for 2021 and it is now time to tick something off my bucket list... Jumping out of a perfectly good plane. Why not combine it with raising funds for one of my favourite charities.... The more I raise the higher the jump...

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Participating in

Skydive for Camp Quality 2021

Camp Quality brings fun, hope and happiness into the lives of children living with cancer - supporting them to get on with just being kids.

Latest donations

Private Donor
Private Donor on 03 Oct 2021
You have worked hard and have got this...
Jamie on 03 Oct 2021
Sharlene Howe

Thank you so much my amazing friend. Your support will make a difference to the kids, big and small.

Sharlene Howe
Shirley on 03 Oct 2021
Sharlene Howe

Thank you so much for your kind donation. You are amazing. Keep smiling and I will share the photos...

Sharlene Howe
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 30 Sep 2021
Sharlene Howe

Thank you for your generosity. You are amazing

Sharlene Howe
Karen on 30 Sep 2021
Sharlene Howe

Thank you so much. You are amazing.

Sharlene Howe

Who's involved?

Sharlene Howe's avatar
Created by Sharlene Howe
Tax credit
Donations of over $5 are eligible for a New Zealand charitable giving tax credit.
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This campaign started on 29 Sep 2021 and ended on 30 Nov 2021.