Campbell and Charlie attack the Trail Blazer for Eye Care for Africa

$520 of $250 goal
Given by 15 generous donors in 7 weeks

We are doing the PTB in support of the Eye care for Africa cause

Hawke's Bay

We are running the Peak trailblazer this year and fundraising for an amazing cause, Eye care for Africa. They do great work helping those in need in Africa, eyesight is such an important cause and the medical system in Africa does not reach all of those in need. Please sponsor us in our run to help Niall and his amazing team further their work both locally and in Africa

Campbell Roberts' involvement (page creator)

Having good eye sight is such an important thing to me, seeing and being able to enjoy all that this amazing world offers us. Niall is such an amazing man, I appreciate what he and his team do.

Latest donations

Sinclair on 27 Nov 2019
Sarah on 23 Nov 2019
Rebecca on 23 Nov 2019
Go charlie and Campbell such a great cause! 🏃‍♂️
anna on 23 Nov 2019
paul on 17 Nov 2019

Who's involved?

Campbell Roberts's avatar
Created by Campbell Roberts
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This campaign started on 5 Oct 2019 and ended on 27 Nov 2019.