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Eye Care for Africa

$22,401 donated
Given by 125 generous donors in 4 years

It is Eye Care for Africa’s goal to work with orphanages to provide eye care to children in Uganda, Tanzania, Rwanda and Kenya.


Eye Care for Africa was founded in 2017 by Hawkes Bay based Optometrist Niall McCormack. It was formed to provide real eye care to some of the most marginalised groups in the countries of Uganda, Tanzania, Rwanda and Kenya. It all began when Niall accepted an invitation to provide eye care to an orphanage in Uganda. Whilst there it became very apparent of the dire level of need that existed.

“I was astonished at the level of the need there. I saw children with conditions such as cataract whose eyesight was in desperate need of appropriate attention.”

This experience motivated Niall to make a difference and upon his return to New Zealand ‘Eye Care for Africa’ was created. The charity is now an official charity registered with the NZ Charities Commission.

About us

Eye Care for Africa was founded in 2017 by Hawkes Bay based Optometrist Niall McCormack. It was formed to provide real eye care to some of the most marginalised groups in the countries of Uganda, Tanzania, Rwanda and Kenya. It all began when Niall accepted an invitation to provide eye care to an orphanage in Uganda. Whilst there it became very apparent of the dire level of need that existed.

This experience motivated Niall to make a difference and upon his return to New Zealand ‘Eye Care for Africa’ was created. The charity is now an official charity registered with the NZ Charities Commission.

Use of funds

We are looking to push things to the next level, but to fund this project we need your help. Any donations will be used to provide eye examinations, glasses and equipment for the needy in these countries. We also hope to provide an opportunity for local Hawkes Bay school children to experience our work.

Latest update

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Te Araroa  7 October 2022

As a fund-raiser aimed at providing funds for a small eye surgery in remote northern Tanzania, Niall will be attempting Te Araroa, New Zealand's 3008km long trail. Any sponsorship money you may be willing to donate will be very gratefully received!

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Morag on 23 Aug 2022
Great work, Niall. Morag
Eye Care For Africa

Thank you Morag!

Eye Care For Africa
R on 02 Nov 2021
great work
Cathy on 21 Oct 2021
Niall, Loved your talk at NORA and saw this link under your name in the forum. Always glad to help a good cause.
Eye Care For Africa

Thank you so much for this and thank you for your kind words! Not been able to get to Africa due to COVID but hope to be back in the very near future.

Eye Care For Africa
Private Donor
Private Donor on 03 Apr 2021
Ken on 12 Nov 2020

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Created by, and paying to a verified bank account of, Eye Care For Africa (Charity)
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A Registered Charity has legal recognition under the Charities Act 2005.
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This campaign started on 23 Feb 2018 and ended on 15 Nov 2022.