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Canter 4 CanTeen 2012

$967 of $10,000 goal
Given by 13 generous donors in 4 weeks

We are students from QRC, organising a fundraising run from Glenorchy to Queenstown (46.1km) on the 12th of May, along with some head shavi


I was part of the run for a life campaign in 2009 and saw how much it means to the people we are helping so i think this is an amzing cause and want to do my part in helping out.

We are students from QRC, organising a fundraising run from Glenorchy to Queenstown (46.1km) on the 12th of May, along with some head shaving to try raise as much money as possible for this amazing cause!

Latest donations

Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 17 May 2012
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 16 May 2012
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 14 May 2012
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 14 May 2012
Andrew on 12 May 2012
Get well soon everybody! Was very happy to donate

Who's involved?

Michael Jones's avatar
Created by Michael Jones
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This campaign started on 19 Mar 2012 and ended on 18 Apr 2012.