CanTeen Southland

CanTeen Southland

We Support young people 13 - 24years living with cancer - including patients, siblings and bereaved siblings in the Southland region. CanTe


CanTeen Southland operates a true PEER SUPPORT structure. It provides a range of activities and opportunities where Members share experiences and resources, promote understanding, wellbeing and leadership. We have regular camps and weekly get togethers where we share a meal together and do fun activities.

Canteen Southland currently has 45 Members. Members regularly attend weekly get togethers at our office to share a meal. Members are fully involved in our local committee, fundraising and public speaking when called upon. Members completing their Teenlink Support Certificate quickly rally to visit fellow Members in hospital and/or at home. We are like one big family here!

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Created by, and paying to a verified bank account of, CanTeen Southland CLOSED (Charity)
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