Following a chance encounter in the far north I have decided to turn a recreational bike ride into a fundraiser for Ronald MacDonald House
A couple of days ago I began a bike ride south from Cape Reinga with my goal being to bike all the way back to Christchurch.
15 km into the journey I met a guy ‘Tim’ and after a brief ‘what’s up’ conversation he asked what my cause was for doing this mad bike ride...
Other than ‘because I can... I hope 🤞’ I didn’t really have one...
Tim suggested I should...
Soooo... here it is... ‘ta da’
This ties in nicely with my other focus for this new year...
We all have them, though some people have less choices than others...
I have made the choice to do this ride.... primarily for me, and now (thanks to Tim), to bennifit an organisation who supports people that do not have as many choices, or who are in need of assistance.
Please give a little... and even if you can’t afford to help $ wise, please share this to your own networks so that it reaches as many people as possible...
Every $ raised will be given to RMH, I have no idea how much I will raise but I will start by throwing in $1000 myself and see where it goes
A few years ago I had some friends who were accommodated by Ronald MacDonald House. As an organisation they have always struck me as a worthy recipient of fundraising, due not only to the positive impact that they had on my friends lives at the time, but also for countless other families that have bennifited from them over the years