Ronald McDonald House South Island provides free accommodation and support to families with children in need of hospital care.
RMHSI supports families when their child is in a hospital away from home.
The Ronald McDonald House® and Ronald McDonald Family Room® programmes take care of the practical things in life so families can focus on their child staying in a hospital away from home. Every year we offer more than 800 families across New Zealand accommodation and support free of charge. This helps to relieve stresses like paying for a place to sleep near the hospital, organising family meals and needing a friendly ear to listen on tough days.
Simply, we give families with a hospitalised child what they need most — each other.
A child’s medical battle is perhaps the biggest endurance test a family can ever face, both physically and emotionally. When a child is in hospital it is vital to their healing process that their family is close by. Our mission is simple, to improve the health and wellbeing of those children by providing free accommodation and support to their families while they are in hospital.
Our facilities were established to help children live happier, healthier lives. We support families of children up to and including the age of 18, and they are never charged for their stay, regardless of whether is it is for one night, or many months.
Having a child in hospital is stressful and while parents are focused on the medical needs of their children, our facilities aim to alleviate emotional, practical and financial stress for families. With the stressors of everyday life removed, families can simply concentrate on what matters most - their child,
No child should have to face their medical journey alone. We know families are stronger when they are close and our facilities help to keep them that way.