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Help with the Rowan House Rebuild #CheersCandice

$6,609 of $10,000 goal
Given by 64 generous donors in around 6 months

Cyclone Gabrielle severely damaged Rowan House, misplacing some of its disabled residents. Help me to raise funds for the rebuild!

Napier, Hawke's Bay

My beautiful sister-in-law Candice Morris-Eyton passed away a year ago on the 7th of June, 2022, aged 30. She loved to celebrate every occasion, so one way we remember her is to cheers her every time we have a drink #CheersCandice

She lived in a supported home called Rowan House in Taradale, Napier with about 20 other young disabled people. She thrived in this environment, getting to live life as an adult, spend time with friends, and get involved in the many organised activities.

Rowan House is part of Enliven Disability, a service of Presbyterian Support East Coast and although some government funding is received, PSEC is responsible for raising the $1.3 million shortfall to ensure that these services remain free to the people who need them most.

On top of this, Rowan House was severely damaged during Cyclone Gabrielle in February and some of the residents/flatties are still unable to return home. Construction got underway in mid-May and is expected to be completed mid-August but there is a funding shortfall! www.psec.org.nz/2023/06/progress-at-rowanhouse/

EDIT: In March 2024, I'll be participating in my first ever full-distance triathlon, Ironman NZ in Taupō. This consists of a 3.8km swim, 180km bike, and 42.2km run. During this journey I'll be calling for donations towards PSEC and Rowan House so that the residents can return home.

Support me by remembering my sister and giving to those who helped her to live a full and happy life. Cheers Candice!

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IRONMĀORI Toa cancelled - but we're pushing on!  2 October 2023

Kia Ora team. I recently received the sad news that the IRONMĀORI Toa event in December has been cancelled due to a lack of registrations. Event organisers were looking at a big financial loss, so had to make this tough but understandable decision.

However, IRONMĀORI have generously offered to enter myself and the two other scholarship recipients into the Ironman NZ event in Taupo in March so the dream and fundraising efforts are still alive! This gives me a few more months to continue training and raising much-needed funds for Rowan House. I'll also be entering the IRONMĀORI Half event in November which will be a good measure of how I'm tracking.

Thanks again for your support, the journey is only just getting started...

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GP on 05 Nov 2023
Top effort mate! Legend.
Meg and Keith
Meg and Keith on 24 Aug 2023
Love your big heart, Tiwai. Candice would be over the moon.
Jo on 11 Aug 2023
Tiwai Wilson

Thanks Jo!

Tiwai Wilson
Ben on 07 Aug 2023
Cheers Son, cheers Candice!
claire on 04 Aug 2023
You sound like a special person. Your sister would be so proud of you for doing this. :)

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Tiwai Wilson's avatar
Created by Tiwai Wilson
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Donations of over $5 are eligible for a New Zealand charitable giving tax credit.
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This campaign started on 9 Jun 2023 and ended on 9 Dec 2023.