Cherie Hughes Mount Everest

$170 donated
Given by 5 generous donors in 9 weeks

The MoreFM Mount Everest Challenge

Bay of Plenty

have been challenged to participate in The MORE FM Mount Everest Challenge. Climbing the Mount 38 times is the equivalent of climbing Mount Everest!

So I have been challenged to do this in 50 days and help raise money for Tauranga Women's Refuge

Cherie Hughes' involvement (page creator)

I have set this challenge for myself because I know that I am going to need to be disciplined about making sure I complete the 38 climbs within the allocated time. I would usually only traverse the Mount once or twice/week on average.

I would love to be able to fundraise for Tauranga Womens Refuge as a way of supporting women who might benefit from the money raised overall. May it bring some light into their lives in some small way.

Participating in

Mount Everest Challenge 2017

The Mount Everest Challenge 2017. Help us to raise money for Tauranga Women's Refuge by climbing Mauao 38 times in 50 days.

Latest donations

Fiona Goodwin
Fiona Goodwin on 09 Apr 2017
Well done Cherie, top job
Kerris on 07 Apr 2017
Well done Ma, proud of you xxx
Hayley 💖
Hayley 💖 on 07 Apr 2017
So proud of you for completing this challenge mamma! I knew you could do it! Look at all this courage and determination you have! Love you lots! xx X
Cam on 07 Apr 2017
Well done Cherie, so super proud of you and your efforts. Who knows maybe one day we can climb the real Mount Everest !
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 02 Mar 2017
Go for it Cherie, I know you can do it

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This campaign started on 15 Feb 2017 and ended on 21 Apr 2017.