Tauranga Womens Refuge offers a co-ordinated approach to supporting women and children who are experiencing domestic violence. We provide s
Bay of Plenty
Offering a range of services including a 24 hour - 7 day a week crisis phoneline, temporary shelter, counselling services, community social work and advocacy, as well as practical support in attending appointments such as Police, Lawyers, WINZ, CYFS and others. We are involved with numerous education programmes and make referrals to other agencies and organisations where required.
In the previous 10 months, Tauranga Womens Refuge has supported 451 women and their children. Of those women, 58 have accessed our safe house, while others have received counselling, emergency support and ongoing advocacy. All have received help in developing a plan to keep themselves and their children safe. Each week volunteers contribute 128 hours towards making this happen.
Exceptional Womens Club Launched for 2011 6 December 2010
We have now released our 'Exceptional Womens Club' cards for 2011. A donation of $30 buys you a club card which gives you exlcusive discounts and deals at the following businesses: A Beautiful Education, Award Beauty, Be Bella Spa, Blink Tanning, Break Free Expeditions, Camella Anselmi/LJ Hooker, Eggcel, In Harmony Body Therapy, Jennifer Murray/Independent Herbalife Distributor, K9 Herbals, Minx Beauty, Pet Partners, Purple Promotions, Simply Jute, Sue Ferguson/Homeopath, Tease Organix, The Joyful Life, The mobile Lawyer and Venus Clubs. The deals are fantastic, with no less than 10% discount being offered - many offering much much more. Better still, the offers can be redeemed over and over during 2011. So when you make a donation of $30 or more, you not only help the Tauranga Womens Refuge - you're doing a nice thing for yourself as well. You deserve it. Thanks for your support.