Coast to Coast for Cystic Fibrosis

$7,720 of $5,000 goal
Given by 60 generous donors in 8 weeks

In celebration of Kim: an amazing athlete, friend and human


Three years ago one of my best friends and greatest inspirations passed away from Cystic Fibrosis. Kim was an amazing athlete, friend and human. This year I will attempt an atheletic feat in her memory: the Coast to Coast Mountain Run.

Kim lived her life as a friend, daughter, sister, athlete, coach, inspiration, sense-checker-sounding-board-for-silly-ideas, laugher-in-stiches-on-the-grounder and role-model-of-all-that-is-good-in-the-world. There were many things that she was, but one thing she wasn't was a sufferer of Cystic Fibrosis: although she had Cystic Fibrosis, Cystic Fibrosis didn't have her.

One of the things that I admired most about Kim was how understanding she was of others worries and struggles. She was the person I called when I was anxious, upset or overwhelmed. She never broadcast her own troubles, nor made herself the centre of attention... So I'm here to do that for her and others like her! *mwahaha* Sorry not sorry Kimmy! ;)

Cystic Fibrosis NZ was a charity that helped Kim live her dreams. Alongside the Mark Ashfield Scholarship it helped get her to Canada to represent New Zealand at the World Under 24 Ultimate Championships. It provides counselling and emotional support for patients and their families, and it funds research into a cure. It receives little government funding and relies primarily on donations like these.

There have been countless times over the last few years that I wished for Kim's giggles, wisdom and guidance. Running has helped me through some tough times where Kim could not. I wish I had the words to articulate how grateful for your support for the Mountain Run and Cystic Fibrosis NZ I would be. This amazing charity helps hundreds of others like Kim live incredible and fulfilling lives. Please consider donating to such a wonderful cause.


About CF:

Cystic Fibrosis is a progressive, genetic condition that causes persistent lung infections and limits the ability to breathe over time. There is no cure – but treatments can help improve the lives of people with Cystic Fibrosis and ongoing research continues to fight for a cure. More information can be found here:

Annabel Fraser's involvement (page creator)

Three years ago one of my best friends and greatest inspirations passed away from Cystic Fibrosis. Cystic Fibrosis NZ is an incredible organisation that helped her fulfil her dreams, and funds research for a cure

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Thank you 💛  8 March 2021

Hello everyone!

Thank you so so much for your generous support of both me, and Cystic Fibrosis NZ. I feel so lucky to have such wonderful people in my life! I’ve been really touched by the amount of support I have received 🥰 Over the last few weeks I’ve been trying to get in touch with you all individually to thank you, however sometimes I couldn’t tell who was who - please excuse me if I’ve missed you!

In total we raised $7,720 for CFNZ! It was an amazing race and I enjoyed every minute of the wilderness experience. I even nabbed myself a handy 4th place in the women’s 18-40 category. Now I can see how this event is addictive!

But the real truth is that I had won before I’d started. Having raised well beyond my hopes for CFNZ, and knowing I had so many people supporting me was the real victory. I was overwhelmed by gratitude by the end of the race... Those of you who know me well won’t be surprised to know that my eyes were a little teary come the finish line!

So thank you once again for your amazing support. Please get in touch if I haven’t been able to contact you directly yet - it’d be wonderful to catch up!

Love, Bel x

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Mark on 27 Feb 2021
Kim sounds like she was an incredible individual. She would have been proud of your efforts in support of this charity. Well done Bel. X
Philip on 16 Feb 2021
way to go!
Julia on 15 Feb 2021
Proud of you xx
Louise on 15 Feb 2021
Bel you are amazing! Congradulations on completing such a huge challenge :-)
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 14 Feb 2021
Awesome effort Bel!

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Created by Annabel Fraser
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This campaign started on 3 Jan 2021 and ended on 28 Feb 2021.