Completing The Peak Trail Blazer For Eye Care For Africa

$400 of $400 goal
Given by 13 generous donors in 4 weeks

Ellen and Cam will be giving it everything they've got to raise funds for Eye Care for Africa at this years Peak Trail Blazer!

Hawke's Bay

The Waggys - Ellen (9) and Cam (7) are taking on this years Peak Trail Blazer on Sunday 24th November. They love to run, they love where they live and they love their community.

So.......It makes perfect sense to raise funds for an amazing cause (Eye Care For Africa) while they run with their mates and do what they love!

Neil Wagstaff's involvement (page creator)

Helping to raise funds and awareness for the amazing work Eye Care for Africa does by completing the Peak Trail Blazer on Sunday 24th November.

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Latest update

New Goal  28 October 2019

Ellen and Cam have decided to raise at least $200 each!

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Latest donations

Mary on 23 Nov 2019
Good luck, Ellen and Cam xxxxxx
Rebecca on 23 Nov 2019
I’ll give another 30 if Mummy does it x
Harry on 23 Nov 2019
Good Luck Cam and Ellen! I know Harry wishes he was there to run with you guys!
Bernie on 23 Nov 2019
Well done. Good luck!
The Majors
The Majors on 21 Nov 2019
Smash it Wagstaff's

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This campaign started on 28 Oct 2019 and ended on 27 Nov 2019.