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Hoof it with Harold 2013 - Corinne Price

$356 of $400 goal
Given by 16 generous donors in 4 weeks

Life Education is a charity that provides children with the knowledge to make informed choices about their health, respect others and learn


Christchurch kids have experienced so much change recently - damage to homes, schools, families & friends leaving, new friends to make, and the city changed forever. They need the tools provided by Harold and the educators of Life Education more than ever before, please support this wonderful charity.

Life Education is a charity that provides children with the knowledge to make informed choices about their health, respect others and learn to appreciate their uniqueness. We reach 225,000 primary and intermediate children every year.

Latest update

Update for 01/06/2013  1 June 2013

Posted by: Paul Coughlan

Big day tomorrow - well done to the team, almost $6000 raised in total now, hopefully we can crack past that milestone with donations on the course tomorrow. Come out & support Harold & Monty, and all the rest of the crew. Races start at 8.30am, with Harold and Monty expecting to finish some time after 10.30 (possibly quite a long time after 10.30......). Finn and Tara go in the kids Mara'Fun at 12.30pm. All details including carparking layout etc at http://www.christchurchmarathon.co.nz/default.asp?PageID=12022 Thanks for your support, and please keep those donations rolling in!!

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Hoof it with Harold 2013

Hoof it with Harold 2013

Latest donations

Craig on 27 May 2013
Great work
Theo on 27 May 2013
Good on you!
Denise B
Denise B on 27 May 2013
Go for it Corinne.
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 22 May 2013
Tash on 09 May 2013
Good luck hun!

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Corinne Price's avatar
Created by Corinne Price
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This campaign started on 1 May 2013 and ended on 31 May 2013.