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Daman Otara Space Cadet to NASA

$3,000 of $5,000 goal
Given by 37 generous donors in 10 weeks

Participating in Ōtara to the World - NASA Space Camp U.S.A

Otara, Auckland

Daman Taviliniu | 15 Years Old | Niuean | Tangaroa college

I am really interested in being selected to attend the NASA space camp because I find the realm of possibility outside of earth, to be exciting and intriguing. There are many different aspects involving STEM that interests me. For instance, we humans are living embodiments of science which i find fascinating.

I actually did a video on why I really wanted this opportunity. Check it out here!

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We are almost over the line!!! Wohoooo  26 June 2023

Posted by: The Community Builders NZ Trust

Firstly we want to say thank you to every single friend, whanau, donor, organisation and beyond who have supported these incredible cadets by giving to their give-a-little. We have had some sponsors directly donate and it it's not reflected in the give a little but we are actually nearing the end and are almost there! We have heard that the Otara-Papatoetoe local board is approving some of the cadets a small grant to assist toward airfares and once we know who they have approved we will then know if we have finally reached the goal and who they have funded out of the cadets. Keep posted!

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Participating in

Ōtara to the World - NASA Space Camp U.S.A

Help our Ōtara youth <LIFT OFF> to Advanced Space Academy NASA 2023!

Latest donations

Nakita on 29 Jul 2023
Daman Taviliniu

💩bum 🚀

Daman Taviliniu
Fanz on 29 Jul 2023
Daman Taviliniu

Thanks Fanzeto🚀

Daman Taviliniu
Alan on 28 Jul 2023
Daman Taviliniu


Daman Taviliniu
N8 and Hara
N8 and Hara on 26 Jul 2023
Go out there and be great Somè 🧡 love Harah and Nathan xx
Daman Taviliniu

Thank you Hara thanks N🎱 🚀

Daman Taviliniu
Floorbreakers23 on 23 Jul 2023
To the moon 🌙
Daman Taviliniu

Thanks uncle @FLOORBREAKERS23🚀

Daman Taviliniu

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Created by Daman Taviliniu
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This campaign started on 15 May 2023 and ended on 30 Jul 2023.