The Community Builders NZ Trust

The Community Builders NZ Trust

The OKV is run by 4 local Paid staff and local volunteers. Your support enables us to keep this village running for our community.


Over the course of a year local residents from Otara got together and worked on a new initiative for the community that officially opened Friday 15th May 2020. With a donated 40ft shipping container thanks to PANUKU, the willingness of an Otara neighbour who offered up her residential front property with free access to power for almost 7 months & a start up grant of $25k from the Auckland Council Waste minimisation team, coupled with further support along the way from other groups and individuals, our team of local resident volunteers worked relentlessly to modify and upcylce whatever they could do develop what we now see in place at the Otara Town Centre, The Otara Kai Village!

Fast forward a year and a half and it's been amazing to see how a donated second hand shipping container and the willing hearts of local residents have impacted our community and has become a beacon of hope especially during Covid19 and all the lock-downs.

Do you know how difficult it is to modify a 40ft shipping container on a residential small property in the middle of winter with minimal resources and using for the most part youtube "HOW TO" videos!? Well we do :-) As challenging as this was, sitting back now and seeing the place finally open and the community being served during one of the most crucial times in NZ history, was all worth it but now we need your help to sustain our free healthy & hearty winter meals while giving us a bit of breathing space while we look to build a long term sustainability plan for this wonderful new space for our community.

The Otara Kai Hub Village is a social eco sustainable space focused on enabling families experiencing food insecurity to have dignified access to affordable nutritious food in their neighbourhood while tackling waste. It also recognizes that the 'Social' is a vital part of the change process and that food is a powerful connector and catalyst to expanding wider social, economic and cultural opportunities for individuals, families and communities.

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CBNZ exists to strengthen & develop the capacity & capability of local residents from our most dis-advantaged communities within New Zealand to become local change makers.

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Covid19 Lockdown  9 September 2021

Kia ora whanau,

We just would like to thank everyone that has been supporting the OKV to keep going. We really appreciate it, you have no idea! We have so many challenges behind closed doors and do a lot of our mahi off the literal smell of an oily rag and that's not an understatement. Without your support we simply wouldn't be able to keep going so we just want to share out hearts and thank you to you all. We are 4 weeks into our DELTA covid response kaupapa and financially it's getting harder for us to sustain things as we are always caring for our two main senior villages here in Otara. To keep up to date on our movements please follow our Otara Kai Village social media page for our DELTA response and our Community Builders NZ Website and FB page for all the work we do here in Otara.

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Ash on 16 Jul 2024
Ash on 16 Jun 2024
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Guest Donor on 11 Jun 2024    Elizabeth to the Japan Youth Summit 2024
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Guest Donor on 06 Jun 2024    Elizabeth to the Japan Youth Summit 2024
Gibson on 06 Jun 2024    Antonio to the Japan Youth Summit 2024
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Created by, and paying to a verified bank account of, The Community Builders NZ Trust (Charity)
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A Registered Charity has legal recognition under the Charities Act 2005.
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Donations of over $5 are eligible for a New Zealand charitable giving tax credit.
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