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Help me up my own personal Mount Everest!

$560 donated
Given by 14 generous donors in 9 weeks

Please sponsor me while I attempt to climb Mount Maunganui 38 times in 50 days (the equivalent of Mount Everest)

Bay of Plenty

Raising funds for the Tauranga Womens Refuge, a very worthy cause, helping people when they have nowhere else to go.

David Kriel's involvement (page creator)

I'm challenging myself to climb the Mount 38 times over 50 days. Please make a donation to my fundraising account and share my page with your friends and family too.

Latest update

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Its done, 38 completed on Thursday 6th April  6 April 2017

Final climb after three days of torrential rain. 3,8 klm with a time of 1 hour and 5 minutes. I stopped to chat on the way up and down.

Thank you so very much for your very special, kind support, donations and good wishes, they are truly appreciated.

A special thanks to Dave and Janie for all the climbs where we went up together, awesome company.

I can now sign off for the last time and stop spamming you with these emails.

(Edit to update. The update was done on Thursday 6 April. I am not sure why the final email was never sent out?)

Best regards, David Kriel

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Participating in

Mount Everest Challenge 2017

The Mount Everest Challenge 2017. Help us to raise money for Tauranga Women's Refuge by climbing Mauao 38 times in 50 days.

Latest donations

Christine on 07 Apr 2017
Well done you made it - admire your determination :-)
Jack on 07 Apr 2017
Good work mate
Elle on 21 Mar 2017
You are amazing David, well done! So great to be supporting such a worthy cause :)
Wayne Thompson
Wayne Thompson on 06 Mar 2017
Good luck
Mariana on 03 Mar 2017
I'm very proud of you! You are doing so well. Keep it up!!!

Who's involved?

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This campaign started on 17 Feb 2017 and ended on 21 Apr 2017.