Descend to Challenger Deep

$0 donated
Started 23 days ago

Participating in Descent To Challenger Deep


So what is the 'Descent to Challenger Deep' challenge?

As a diving community we will conduct regular club dives, over the next 12 months. These dive depths will accumulate until we reach our goal depth of 10, 935m - the deepest known point of Challenger Deep.

We are raising funds for Wellington Volunteer Coastguard as we know they will be there for us should any of our divers get into trouble; and I Am Hope as diving has so many benefits for mental health.

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Participating in

Descent To Challenger Deep

Collectively diving the depths of the Challenger Deep

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Who's involved?

Sarah Milicich's avatar
Created by Sarah Milicich
Donations to this page will be split evenly between 2 payees:
Tax credit
Donations of over $10 are eligible for a New Zealand charitable giving tax credit.
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This campaign started on 26 Aug 2024 and ends on 31 Aug 2025.