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Dunc Wilson's Waka and Waewae Fundraiser

$2,000 donated
Given by 34 generous donors in around 11 months

Paddling and hiking Aotearoa-New Zealand for THREE charitable causes!


Paddling and hiking Aotearoa-New Zealand for THREE charitable causes!

- UNICEF is on the ground, helping the kiddos of Ukraine

- The pandemic has been a reverse sewage farm and the Mental Health Foundation was vitally important even before Covid landed

- Too many great friends have lost a parent to cancer, plus legends I've worked with have gone too soon. Cancer Society is the organisation making this disease just a little less shit

If you can spare a few bucks, please do. Please also share this page far and wide in the hope others can too.

Then join me, as I roam the middle of this country, paddling my little blue boat into places I've never been... and hiking the parts I can't. It's already proving fun!

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Cape Palliser and before!  8 January 2023

Kia ora, e te whānau! I have made it to the southernmost point of the North Island! But, there's a but.

After battling the Tararuas, mucking up the Tararuas, paddling the Ruamahanga River to Lake Ferry with a deflating raft, falling ill, missing a bit and then rushing through Aorangi Range in two days flat, it's fair to say my ending of the little island did not go smoothly. But, fear not: nothing about this journey has gone smoothly - except perhaps the paddling!

Turning to the pivot and patch-up skills I learnt throughout 2022, I hatched a plan. In that weird gap between Christmas and New Year, I returned to Wairarapa. From there, I de-mucked up my Tararua ending, filled in a missing walk from a Lake Ferry to Aorangi and then trotted the final 4km to the Cape Palliser lighthouse! My first time there since 2015 and The Big Loop.

My repair job worked, as did my raft repair job, which sadly, due to water flows this time of year, only got about 400 metres of use in this revisit. The southern end of the North Island is complete. However, the entire motu is not. Can you spot what remains to be travelled? Take a look at my map and see:

Thanks as always for all the tremendous support and all the donations that have rolled in too. You're all so so special! Dx

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Paul on 24 Feb 2023
David on 11 Jan 2023
Amanda on 09 Jan 2023
From one of your mum's Makers Group in London
Himal on 08 Jan 2023
Amazing effort! Loving the updates.
Alessandra on 04 Jan 2023
Nice one Dunc! Another amazing adventure

Who's involved?

Dunc Wilson's avatar
Created by Dunc Wilson
Donations to this page will be split evenly between 3 payees:
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Donations of over $15 are eligible for a New Zealand charitable giving tax credit.
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This campaign started on 25 Mar 2022 and ended on 25 Feb 2023.