Mental Health Foundation

Mental Health Foundation

We work towards creating a society free from discrimination, where all people enjoy positive mental health & wellbeing.


1 in 5 people experience mental illness every year. Our vision is a society where all people flourish.

When someone is flourishing they experience interest in the world around them, purpose in their life and are less at risk of physical/mental health problems. We support people experiencing mental illness, their families/friends by providing information and campaigning to raise awareness and reduce discrimination.

More about us

Working towards creating a society free from discrimination, where all people enjoy positive mental health & wellbeing.

To find out more about our work, visit:

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Latest donations

Jodie on 17 Jul 2024    FirstCape – 5km per Day in May 2024
Private Donor
Private Donor on 15 Jul 2024
Anna on 15 Jul 2024    FirstCape – 5km per Day in May 2024
Donors’ tax credits TaxGifted
Donors’ tax credits TaxGifted on 30 Jun 2024
This donation is from generous donors who opted in to regift their tax credits via TaxGift. Aren’t they awesome!
Donors’ tax credits TaxGifted
Donors’ tax credits TaxGifted on 27 Jun 2024
This donation is from generous donors who opted in to regift their tax credits via TaxGift. Aren’t they awesome!

Who's involved?

Mental Health Foundation's avatar
Created by, and paying to a verified bank account of, Mental Health Foundation (Charity)
Registered Charity
A Registered Charity has legal recognition under the Charities Act 2005.
Tax credit
Donations of over $5 are eligible for a New Zealand charitable giving tax credit.
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