Emma's Run 4 Rescue

$266 of $500 goal
Given by 10 generous donors in 7 weeks

I am running the City2Surf (14km) to raise money for the Rescue Helicopter - I need you to sponsor me!


The 2016 City 2 Surf Charity Partner is the Canterbury West Coast Air Rescue Trust.

Please will you sponsor me?

Your money will go directly towards essential life-saving air rescue missions - and I'll run 14kms!

Did you know that 3 people put their lives in the hands of the rescue helicopter in the Canterbury/West Coast regions every day?

If you haven't been saved by them yourself you probably know someone who has. Or you may need them next!

To keep the service going we need to raise $7million a year from our community - please help today by sponsoring me. $5, $10, $20, $100 - any amount will help!

Thank you! x

Emma Riach's involvement (page creator)

I work for the Canterbury West Coast Air Rescue Trust - I know how great the cause is as I see all the stories every day from patients whose lives have been saved by the rescue crew. I read about the missions - the latest about an 76 year old man drifting out to sea after slipping into the water while whitebaiting - after an hour in the water, with only minutes left, he was saved by the air rescue crew. Babies, toddlers, children, teenagers, adults, elderly - the crew help everyone in all walks of life. Please sponsor me today to help save the life of the next person who needs the helicopter. Thanks xxx

Other page links

Participating in

Run4Rescue - Get sponsored to run the City2Surf

Be sponsored by your friends, family, and colleagues to run the City2Surf for the Westpac Rescue Helicopter Service!

Latest donations

Leah Rix
Leah Rix on 18 Mar 2016
Worthwhile cause. Well done!
Katherine on 01 Mar 2016
Run Emma, ruuuuuuuuun!
Annie on 23 Feb 2016
Nathan Tee
Nathan Tee on 23 Feb 2016
It's for a good cause. Hope the run goes well :)
Kelsey Z
Kelsey Z on 23 Feb 2016
:)))) <3
Tax credit
Donations of over $5 are eligible for a New Zealand charitable giving tax credit.
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This campaign started on 27 Jan 2016 and ended on 20 Mar 2016.