Raising funds for Harbour Hospice through cycling Mt. Everest (8,848m gain) on a road on Aucklands North Shore on the 31st October
Harbour Hospice help give palliative care and support for those with life limiting illness. Whilst the Health Board funds around 50% of their operating costs, generousity has to fund the other 50%.
I am hoping to help them raise some much needed funds by climbing my own local "Everest".
I will be attepting to climb the equivalent of Mount Everest (8,848m) cycling on a local hill climb, Colonial road in Chatswood (Up from the Chelsea Sugar Works) on the 31st October.
This will be done in one ride, around 104 laps, with a few little breaks and cover a total of around 243km.
Whether you are able to donate just a few dollars, or and amount per lap, every little helps!
With my mother in law currently battling terminal cancer, I want to help Hospice in their support of those who are going through the same situation
What a Day! 1 November 2020
Wow, thank you to everyone who donated to date and reached that $5000 goal! Think it was reached when I just had a few laps to go, and spurred me on to get there in a still to be confirmed 14 hours and 12 minutes.
HUGE thank you to those who came out and supported today, helped with food, drinks and just generally cheering me on. This goes out especially to the residents of Colonial Road whose cheers and support got me through the day.
Time for a bit of rest now for me, but I will write up a full report in the near future.
Thanks again to you all!
Awesome! thank you!