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Every step counts!

  • Done and dusted!

      16 September 2024
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    Great experience participating in the Hutt Marathon (1/2 Marathon) yesterday. Well organised event, beaut weather and a finish time of 3hrs 29, knocking 20mins of my PB. Pretty cool to be surprised at the finish line by the Sun Valley girls (Philippa, Cherie, Michelle) and Justin and Lulu 💜

    Thanks for your support and encouragement everyone. $651 raised for Mitey Sir John Kirwan Foundation going towards mental health education in schools.

    This Wednesday marks 7 years since I had to learn to walk properly again, so a bit of a milestone moment for me today. MS can take a flying leap!

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  • Less than a week!

      10 September 2024

    The last couple of weeks has been challenging for maintaining lots of walking - the weather has been really bad and I've been rocking a decent cold which has wiped me out in the evenings. However, have gone when I can and continuing to keep pace, so that is good. Physio this Thursday to be strapped up to the eyeballs to keep my ankle steady on Sunday. Hopefully the ground has dried out by then so it won't be too slippery.

    The event organisers are capping the event at 1350 people! I hadn't even considered that many lol - I've encountered less than a couple of handfuls on previous walks, so that many people seems a little overwhelming. Maybe I'll get caught in their slipstream and knock minutes off my pace!

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  • I've learnt something!

      22 August 2024
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    My physio has been talking to me about ‘acute vs chronic load ratio’.

    The acute vs chronic workload ratio (ACWR) is the ratio between how much workload has been done in the last 7 days (acute workload) versus the average weekly workload that has been performed over the previous 28 days (chronic workload). Your ACWR lets you know if your training is in balance and if your load is changing too quickly (therefore putting you in an injury-risk zone). The ’sweet spot’ is an ACWR of 0.8 – 1.2.

    So doing ‘practice’ walks the same length of the event, although good for my morale and motivation, is not so great on my ACWR as it hikes it up. Steadily increasing within the ideal zone means I’ll be physically ready and able, with considerably less risk of injury.

    I’ve discovered an online calculator which makes it so much easier. It tells me overall what my ideal distance should be this week, and what my ACWR was for the last week. Great tool!

    Thanks for your donations. All proceeds go to a great cause ...

    Mitey - Healthy Minds, Mighty Kids!

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  • Branded!

      13 August 2024
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    33 days to go until the Hutt Marathon! My top arrived this week from Green Monkey, which will motivate me to train hard, compete at my best & stay upright, now that I am branded!

    This morning at the supermarket, someone recognised me from my regular walks and asked me what Mitey was. Great opportunity to share our mahi and have a conversation about mental health education. So important to have these conversations and destigmatise mental health. After all everyone has it, just like their physical health!

    If you want to know more about Mitey, check out the website Healthy minds. Healthy kids!

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  • Training Update

      6 August 2024
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    Took the opportunity to go for a walk in Wellington after dropping off Ethan to work at 6.30am. Such a beautiful morning it turned into a 1/2 marathon practice! 21km in 3:49 so under my previous target of 3:50 and my last time of 4hrs.Now to knock another 10 mins off!

    I walked from Oriental Bay to Miramar and back, then along the waterfront, stopping in to say hi to Ethan, a look-see at the Behive and back through the city to Oriental Parade. And what a gorgeous city we live in! Loving walking and noticing the small things ... the light sparkling on the water, the ripples on the sea, the colours, quirky buildings, a baby seal, interesting art. Now time for coffee!

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  • Training Update

      27 July 2024
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    My current goal is to improve my pace and this morning I got a PB! Hit 1/2 of a half marathon (which is 10.5km) in 1hr 47m with an average pace of 10.10 then did a few more steps for good measure! At that pace I'll reach my revised goal of 3:50 for the event for sure! Will try another 21km in the next couple of weeks and up the goal if need be!

    So good for the body and soul to be moving and enjoying the fresh air. I feel very fortunate to be able to do so. This month I've plodded 122.3km so far!

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  • On track!

      21 July 2024
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    Rather stoked with our practice walk today for the Hutt Half Marathon!

    Within my goal time of 4hrs, so revised goal is now 3:50 (in still conditions). 56 days to go. Now I know I can do the distance, I can work on picking up the pace!

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  • Making Progress!

      15 July 2024
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    Great jaunt this morning, hitting 1/2 (10.5km) of a 1/2 marathon (21km) in 1: 58 and going on to finish 11.17km this morning. Just scraping in for my self-imposed 4 hour target! 🚶‍♀️

    Have succumbed to being a sock wearer for exercise after a lifetime of rejecting the idea and it makes for an easier walk and way less blisters. Who would've thought! Lol. 🧦

    A couple of weeks ago I had an ultrasound following a left ankle break, left toe break and a right foot break last year (did I mention I'm a klutz?) and found I am still healing damaged ligaments & tendons so experimenting with strapping too and having regular physio. Walking is good for it! 🩼

    I have heard that there was 130km winds last year on the day of the event! Crikey. Will have to do some practice walks in all weather I guess. For now a frosty morning is good enough. 62 days to go. ❄️

    Thank you to several friends and family who have made donations via the Givealittle page. All proceeds go to Mitey - Sir John Kirwan Foundation, who provide free mental health education for children in years 1-8 across New Zealand schools. Every dollar counts ... every step counts! 🫶

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  • Is your kura looking for Professional Development in evidenced based Mental Health Education?

      9 July 2024

    Mitey is now enrolling kura for its 2025 positions!

    Mitey is a whole school approach to mental health education for Years 1-8 and it’s free. Co-designed by kaiako and the University of Auckland, and guided by the Mana Model, Mitey provides a stepped progression of learning in mental health education which aligns with the NZ Curriculum.

    Schools that partner with Mitey receive free professional development from a coach to support you in tailoring Mitey to fit the specific needs of your kura. Working with school leadership and staff, we help you create a sustainable, school-wide approach to mental health education. Follow the link to express your interest!,Sign%20up,-Log%20in

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