F45 The Mount & Wish For Fish 5 Hour Burpee Challenge

$6,720 of $5,000 goal
Given by 124 generous donors in 8 weeks

We decided why not run a 5 hour burpees event to help raise money for the Wish For Fish organisation. Let's get this!

Bay of Plenty

We saw Bryce's strive for five video to donate $5 and nominate five friends, but we thought we could go one better.

We decided why not run a 5 hour burpees event with teams of 6-7 and strive to complete 5000+ burpees in that time.

We want to try and raise at least $5000 for the amazing WFF charity and help float the boat so please help out in any way you can.

Let's get it!

F45 The Mount's involvement (page creator)

I am organising the event.

Latest donations

GREG on 20 Nov 2020
Teisha on 19 Nov 2020
James on 16 Nov 2020
Jackie on 16 Nov 2020
Beth’s Dad
Beth’s Dad on 15 Nov 2020
Well done Beth

Who's involved?

F45 The Mount's avatar
Created by F45 The Mount (Business)
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This campaign started on 1 Oct 2020 and ended on 30 Nov 2020.