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Ella's Dad Brett Sky Dives 4 Ella

$1,450 of $600 goal
Given by 8 generous donors in 12 weeks

Help me become a 'Skydiving Fairy' and raise funds to help Ella Fly to the States to Walk back on December 2nd!


SkyDive Auckland is helping fundraise for my daughter Ella Yearbury.

Ella was born at 25 weeks, weighing 800 grams and was given a slim chance of never leaving hospital. She has life-long conditions; Cerebral Palsy, Hydrocephalus and Epilepsy. Ella has been accepted to undergo Selective Dorsal Rhizotomy (SDR) at St Louis Children's Hospital in America. Her surgeons believe that Ella will be able to walk with crutches and possibly independently – giving her a whole new quality of life.

Help me raise over $600 for Ella and I will do a tandem 13,000ft Skydive with Skydive Auckland.

Donations can be made to this Cause page.


Help us fundraise for this awesome cause and you could win a free tandem 13,000ft Skydive on us!

Every Fundraiser page that raises at least $600 for the Skydive Auckland page will receive a free tandem 13,000ft Skydive on us.

To create your Fundraiser page you will need to register on the Givealittle website first. Then, use the green 'HELP FUNDRAISE' button down the right-hand side panel of this page or use this link:

Skydive Auckland is based in Parakai, West Auckland. Free transport is available from Auckland City or it is an easy drive.

Because of restrictions in NZ, Funds will go to getting support with overseas medical expenses.

Ella's operation requires over $150,000NZD.

Kat and Brett Yearbury's involvement (page creator)

As Ella's Mum and Dad we are doing all we can to help her to have this surgery.

Mum has been working hard managing events, fundraisers, chocolate drives, social media marketing. Dad has been helping with the kids, wearing fairy wings and being generally awesome.

So we thought we would lead by example and take the HUGE leap that Ella has to make every single day... don some wings and throw Dad out of a plane!


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Latest donations

Motorvation on 20 Nov 2017
Hope your wearing that fairy dress
Katherine Yearbury

He will be! x Thank you so much. I'll make sure you get the photos!

Katherine Yearbury
Master Mechanics
Master Mechanics on 16 Nov 2017
Nan T
Nan T on 08 Nov 2017
Go Brett! It's a great thing to do for your little girl! Love you very much x MWAH Nan T
Stan on 07 Nov 2017
grandad on 06 Nov 2017

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This campaign started on 8 Oct 2017 and ended on 31 Dec 2017.