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Fundraiser for Cyclone Gabrielle Relief

$40 donated
Given by 2 generous donors in 14 days

In the wake of Cyclone Gabrielle, Medenteprises, with the help of local businesses, is fundraising to raise funds for relief efforts.

Queenstown, Otago

With the generous support of local Queenstown businesses, Medenterprises was able to help raise money for Cyclone Gabrielle relief funds.

There has been such an incredible outpour of support from local business donations, that we would like to put it out to the community to get involved also and keep the momentum going to see if we can continue the fundraising efforts for our friends up North.

The donations will go to the Farmers Adverse Events Trust who:

Support local farmers and rural communities nationwide to know what to do and how to get through, during and after, a major adverse event to help reduce the impact on our people, animals, infrastructure, and the wider economy.

And to the New Zealand Red Cross who:

New Zealand Red Cross teams have worked with emergency management agencies to deliver vital assistance across some of Aotearoa New Zealand’s hardest hit areas. That includes setting up and managing Civil Defence Centres, providing essential supplies such as stretchers, blankets, bedding and hygiene kits. We are deploying satellite phones, generators and other equipment.

We would also like to thank our local business who donated and helped raise money this past week:

• European Bakery, Hell's Pizza Queenstown, NZSki, Fogo Brazillian BBQ, Gibbston Valley, Slow Cuts, Polished by Leah, World Bar, Mana Tahuna, Brows by Aneeqah, Altitude Brewery, Yonder, Cargo Brewery, F45 Training , Cardrona Distillery, Cowboys, Align Pilates, Kingpin, Thrillzone, and Skyline.

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Latest donations

Gretchen on 03 Mar 2023
Kate on 03 Mar 2023

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Created by Medrecruit (Business)
Donations to this page will be split evenly between 2 payees:
Tax credit
Donations of over $10 are eligible for a New Zealand charitable giving tax credit.
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This campaign started on 3 Mar 2023 and ended on 17 Mar 2023.