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Gary's Fit to Fight Challenge July 2022

$2,025 donated
Given by 23 generous donors in around 11 months

Participating in FIT TO FIGHT CHALLENGE (July 2022)


This is about our kids.

I want all of our kids - yours and mine - to be able to grow up in a country that is as beautiful as it was when I was a kid. Not one that has been smashed by pollution and careless actions of those who don’t realise we are all custodians of this land.

And so over 8 weeks, I'll be taking part in Boxing Alley's 'Fit to Fight' challenge, training as a boxer and raising funds for Sustainable Coastlines before putting everything to the test in a final body-sparring event.

Why Sustainable Coastlines? I spend a lot of my leisure time in, on and around NZ's waterways, and I've watched them degrade in their quality over the past couple of decades. Sustainable Coastlines love our coasts and oceans and want them litter-free. They clean up beaches and deliver education to prevent litter, particularly single-use plastics. And in my work with Hirepool I've had a lot to do with the team from Sustainable Coastlines, and they are genuinely good people, who are in this for the right reasons.

I’ve always sought out my pleasures in life through motivation and challenge. And boxing sits right there…the more I train for boxing, the more I realise I do not know. A true challenge.

I appreciate any support you can offer. Even if you can just share the link to this page, that will help save our coastlines for our kids. It’s not too late.

Thanks in advance, Kia Kaha.

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It's done - you guys are amazing!!  4 July 2022

Thanks to all for your generous support!

Saturday night was amazing, such a great team atmosphere from all of team Oscar and the crowd at the venue, which was a sellout and packed to the rafters.

I was lucky enough to take out the win against Cameron, who tested me to my limit. I've posted a couple photos here too, thanks again to all of you!!

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Join us and support the participants of Boxing Alley's 'Fit To Fight' challenge who are fundraising for their chosen charities!

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Friend of the ocean
Friend of the ocean on 01 Jul 2022
Go Gary, have a good fight!
Gary Richardson

Haha very funny, your profile pic looks familiar. Thanks mate. you're next.

Gary Richardson
Hirepool on 28 Jun 2022
The Hirepool team are right behind you Gary and what a great cause. Good Luck!
Gary Richardson

Cheers team!

Gary Richardson
Steph on 27 Jun 2022
You're a legend Gary, thanks for your support Steph Vercoe
Gary Richardson

Thanks Steph, you are a legend and I owe you!

Gary Richardson
Arron the golfer
Arron the golfer on 23 Jun 2022
All the best Gary, go hard and congrats on supporting such a great cause.
Gary Richardson

Cheers Arron! Thanks for the support.

Gary Richardson
Quinton on 23 Jun 2022
Good luck Gaz and good on you for a great cause.
Gary Richardson

Thanks Q, really appreciated!

Gary Richardson

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Created by Gary Richardson
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This campaign started on 9 Aug 2021 and ended on 9 Jul 2022.