Gerrand - Team OJ

$115 donated
Given by 3 generous donors in 9 weeks

The children (Olive, Emma, Lille and Rachel) of the Gerrand Flooring Teams join forces to support Mum and Dad!

Bay of Plenty

Climbing the Mount 'Everest' to help the surf clubs.

Gerrand Floorings' involvement (page creator)

We are involved to encourage our Mums and Dads to complete the challenge (and cause Mum made us!)

Participating in

Mount Everest Challenge

We challenge you to challenge yourself and climb Mauao 38 times over 50 days while raising money for our 3 local surf clubs.

Latest donations

Gerrand Floorings Mount Everest Fairy
Gerrand Floorings Mount Everest Fairy on 26 Mar 2015
Sally on 11 Feb 2015
Go Girls!!
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 05 Feb 2015
Lee on 05 Feb 2015
Go Team OJ !

Who's involved?

Donations to this page will be split evenly between 3 payees:
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This campaign started on 5 Feb 2015 and ended on 12 Apr 2015.